Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Special Toothbrushing Techniques

Did you ever wonder why you still have plaque or tartar on your teeth even if you brush three times daily? Or
Worst have that odorous smell or bad breath even when you swish mouth rinses frequently?

Here's the thing-- studies show that the amount of bacteria being removed does not depend on how many times you brush or gargle mouth rinses, but the quality of your toothbrushing technique.

You have to make sure that you have brushed every surface of each tooth and spent at least 10-15 seconds on each quadrant of your dentition. Make sure to buy soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid abrasion of your teeth surfaces which causes enamel to weaken, hence, bacterial invasion sets in. For children you can have them sing ( in their mind ) their favorite song and wait for it to finish before rinsing. This at least assures you that your child didn't just brush, but cleaned their teeth thoroughly.

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